Ecofin Audit Service

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Sample imagePresident of Association of Auditors and Management Consultants from the Republic of Moldova, General Director of audit company „Ecofin-Audit-Service” SRL, editor in chief of "Fin-Consultant" magazine, economist, Mr. Ion Prisacaru has signed a new original book, which has recently appeared at the publishing house ”Gunivas” – “Return to roots”. (Read more...)
Sample imageIn March 2012, Audit firm „Ecofin-Audit-Service” SRL, became partner – member, of international network Crowe Horwath International. (Read more...)
Sample imageOn 02.02.2012, during the award ceremony for “Brand of the year - 2011” contest, Ecofin-Audit-Service Ltd was awarded the “Mercuriul de aur (Golden Mercury)” Grand Prix for the “Financial Institutions, Products and Services” category, Socially Responsible Brand Nomination. (Read more...)

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«Ecofin-Audit-Service» S.R.L.
Republic of Moldova, MD-2012 , Chisinau, Kogalnicanu str., № 34.
Теl. (373 22) 279 729, 272 673, 541 940
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript

Camenca, Zviozdnaia str., 25

Comrat, Osipenco str., 30
Orhei, I. Creanga str., 1, of. 3



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